Before going deeper on aging and what to do about it, we would like to share why we believe that aging matters. Matters on various levels actually. With that contextualization done, we will dive into what we believe to be key concepts to grasp the often abstract and complex nature of aging. This will put us in a better place to then get concrete on the different lines of action we can pursue to tackle aging. In this, we will strive to be clear on the respective levels of scientific evidence. For this, we need to first speak about actually measuring aging to be clear about how we compare the different interventions. For these interventions, we will then specifically distinguish between those that already today can be regarded as being effective versus those that are being practiced but still have to bring further evidence versus those that are still in the development phase only. These are clearly sections that will be updated frequently as there are many great minds currently spending considerable time and resources on developing and validating aging interventions. It is an exciting time and we expect a lot more additions to to these sites over the next years. The same holds true for the whole area of health risk screening which is basically your defense if you regard the interventions named above as your offensive line-up.
You as a reader can go about these pages as you like. You could either take it as a book and read the different chapters from beginning to end. Or you choose and pick what is of most interest for you. To this end, we have tried to neatly separate topics into distinct articles with telling titles on top.